One Month after Hospital ( 7 to12 Aug 2015)

DSCN0885One month after coming out of the Ottawa Civic Hospital, my recovery still seems a long way away, with no big improvements to report.

I took it easy during the week, sitting and resting  beside the St Lawrence waterside here in Cornwall.

At the  weekend I still couldn’t find any energy, to attend any of my local tracks, even for  just a short time. I chose to stay at home , get more rest, and follow what was happening via friends messages on social- media.

My buddy,  Andy Watts, the Mohawk International Raceway photographer continues to send me the Victory Lane Shots, which I’m really grateful. Big winners for the Mods and Sportsman were Chris Raabe and Corey Wheeler respectively.    unnamedcorycccccc

Thanks Andy

It was Danny O’Brien who won the Modified Feature at the Brockville Ontario Speedway, on Saturday night, and have attached  my friend Henry Hannewyk’s photo courtesy of BOS MEDIA .11817219_990915754264065_3836241009150818351_n


On Sunday another good friend, Sylvain Lauwers was at the Cornwall Motor Speedway, to send me Carey Terrance’s Modified Victory Pics.11703413_10203846921488102_7723691283424746826_o (Large)


On Wednesday night there was another Big Block Modified SUPER DIRT SERIES race taking place, this time at the Albany-Saratoga  at Malta, New York. Jimmy Phelps was the winner there, and once again, I have to thank my buddy Alex Bruce for the picture.11828641_10153465500139178_1800415097807595681_n

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