RICK @ the RACES (6/7 February 2009)
This weekend, instead of going ice racing I decided to stay at home. I thought I’d take it easy, watch the Bud Shoot Out from Daytona on TV and get myself ready for my forthcoming trip to Florida.
Once I get finished at work on Tuesday ( hopefully, soon after lunch) I’ll be joining my buddy Roger Aubin for a trip down to Florida. By sharing the driving we hope to be at the Volusia Speedway for Wednesday nights races. Once we’re down there, we’ll get in as much racing as possible before returning home after the weekend. So, with a bit of luck I should have some interesting stuff up and coming on the website.
Apart from watching the Daytona opener on TV, ( which turned out to be quite a good race) I’ve been busy putting together my next Retro Report which deals with 1973. It should be on the website soon.
While on the ‘Retro’ theme, I must mention some of my recent messages.
My first message came from Dave Gibson, and old friend from the UK who happened to surf upon www.rickathteraces.com
Dave is a true veteran of the UK oval scene, having first raced BriSCA F1 and F2 stock cars in the 1960’s. When I was involved in BriSCA F2 he was part of ‘our gang’ that used to hang out together. After racing BriSCA F2 he moved on to Promotorsport Raceway International to their open wheeled stock car division before becoming one of the UK’s pioneer Sprint Car drivers. When that chapter came to an end he decided to put all his efforts into helping his son Jamie’s BriSCA F2 campaign . Since Jamie quit racing , he’s turned his interest into building a Street/Rod drag car. A Ford 100E with a V8 Mustang engine.
My next two nostalgia trips came via the social networking site www.facebook.com . I’m a rookie to this new phenomenon but since getting involved , I’ve been in contact with two old friends from the past. The first reconnection was with Mandy Gale who I’ve know since she was a young girl.
I was good friends with her late father Mick who raced BriSCA F 1 and F2. Mick is mentioned quite a bit in my ‘RETRO’ reports and it was his # 567 that I took over when I raced BriSCA F2. Mandy is still connected with the sport in 2009. Her partner Ray Froggatt was a long time Willie Harrison # 2 crewman and at present is part of Paul Harrison’s crew ( Willie’s son).
Also via ‘Facebook’ I’ve been in touch with Michelle Kiff. Once again it was her father Dave Kiff that I knew well. He helped out a lot of the local racers, me included back in the 1970’s. These days Dave helps son Mark Kiff, with his racing. After a few years in BriSCA F2 , Michelle tells me that Mark will be out in a BriSCA F1 this year. She promised to send me some photos.
Finaly I must mention the message and link I received from my old buddy Colin Herridge. When I visited the BriSCA F1 World Final at Ipswich last year I was joined by Colin.
While we were having a pre race wander in the pits we had the pleasure of meeting race historian Keith Barber and guest of honor , Frenchman Guy Curval. Back in the 1960’s Guy # 00 regularly raced in the UK and represented France in the World Final.
I can remember seeing him in action at Brafield and Harringay.
Colin was sent a link to an old piece of film featuring some early French stock car racing.
According to Colins contact, # 2 is Guy Curval.
Enjoy !