5 June Brockville Ontario Speedway
This weeks report will be short and sweet as work commitments and the acts of Mother Nature reduced my racing to just one event. In an ideal situation my tally for the last seven days should have been four different tracks, but alas this wasn’t to be.
In a five day work week I put in a crazy 66 hours, which is something I haven’t done for over 20 years. Things are so busy !
Wednesday night was slated for the Capital City Speedway in Ottawa but as expected I never finished work in time. As it happened, the show was rained out, so I wasn’t too disappointed. By Thursday night I’d already worked over 52 hours and was hoping for a break on Friday so I could get to the Mohawk International Raceway. Another late finish put an end to this idea and I had to be content with a relaxing pint down at my local bar.
The weather forecast for the weekend had not been good and as I awoke on Saturday it was pouring with rain. The evening plans were for my regular visit to the Brockville Ontario Speedway, so I was hoping it wouldn’t last all day. By lunchtime it had stopped and a phone call to the BOS confirmed it was still on.
I decided to head out for the track early, so I could take a snooze in the parking lot before the races. When I awoke from my nap the pits were starting to fill up and time for me to take a wander. From a wet start in the morning it had turned out warm and dry, so shorts and Tee shirt were the order of the day.
As usual I spent a lot of time chatting around the pits before taking my position on the center for the racing.
As the night went on the temperatures dropped dramatically and by the time the features took place I was wearing my jacket. It’s hard to believe but it became so cold my fingers went numb . Can you imagine how difficult it is to take photos under these conditions !
Anyway, the Modified Feature was the most exciting one of the evening after Todd Stewart worked hard to move up and pass long time leader Jason Riddell.
Chris Raabe made it look easy once again in the SPORTSMAN division,
while his uncle Todd ( Raabe) won the Street Stock event.
Other winners included Jason Powers in the Vintage Mods and Jean Marc Larose in the Ministocks.
The show was over nice and early and after grabbing a Tim Hortons coffee ‘to go’ in town I was soon heading back up the 401 to Cornwall.
As mentioned earlier the weather forecast for the weekend hadn’t been good but I was hoping Sunday would turn out OK , just like Saturday did.
Once again I awoke to pouring rain and kept my fingers crossed it would soon abate. To cut a long story short, it didn’t ! and the damn stuff was still coming down at lunchtime.
Around mid day I got word that the Cornwall Motor Speedway had canceled the evening show, so my natural instinct was to see what else was on. The two possibilities were either the Devils Bowl Speedway in Vermont or the Rolling Wheels Raceway , New York.
It wasn’t long before the CVRA web site announced that Devils Bowl had been canceled leaving me just one other chance. After appealing to friends on Face Book for any info, I soon heard that the ‘Wheels’ had gone the same way.
So it turned out to be a race less Sunday for me, and only the one event for my weekend tally.