North East Fall Nationals, Brockville (16/17 Oct 2010)

10202010rRICK @ the RACES (16/17 Oct)

2010 North East Fall Nationals, Brockville Ontario Speedway.

After the last few hectic weeks of traveling around, it was good to back on home ground this past weekend for the Brockville Ontario Speedway’s second running of the North East Fall Nationals. In the inaugural running in 2009 it was a great success and promoters Paul and Cheryl Kirkland made plans to make this years even bigger and better with three days of racing and all the favorite divisions. Topping the bill were the Big Block Modifieds, as well as 358 Modifieds, Sportsman and Pro Stocks all competing in DIRT SERIES races. For those that like them, there were also Sprint Cars, Street Stocks and the entertaining Vintage Mods. What more could a dirt fan want !

Things were supposed to get under way on Friday night, but Mother Nature had other ideas. It poured down with rain all day and the Kirkland’s had no choice but to alter the schedule. The planned races for Street Stocks were cancelled and the Pro Stock Series race got postponed until Saturday. This didn’t affect my plans, as I’d expected to be working late on Friday anyway. As it happened, I never got finished until 8-00 pm at night, so I never missed anything.

The heavy rain that fell on Friday meant that Saturdays show was delayed for a couple of hours while track preparation took place. That also worked good for me as there was no rush to get there.

10202010bI arrived around noon and already the place was packed. Their were motor homes and campers everywhere and the place was buzzing

10202010a The HHR was to be my Motor Home

The days program included the SUPER DIRT SERIES for 358 Modifieds , Patriot Sprint cars, and the rain delayed Pro Stock Series. Not only were there Series races at stake, but today would also decide the 2010 Mr DIRT champions.

We had a new face joining us out on the middle, a pretty lady from who was filming for the local TV.




First of the Features to take place was for the Pro Stocks which in my opinion was the best race of the weekend.

10202010d10202010cUnlike some of their past big races, this division performed well without any major wrecks.

10202010eThere was a great three car battle for the lead where Ghislain Valade of North Lancaster (Ontario) held off defending champion Pete Stefanski of New York and Cornwall’s Corey Wheeler to take his first ever Series win. Valade had been ‘knocking on the door’ for a tour win, for some time and it must have been a great relief to finally get the big win.

10202010fAlso in Victory Lane was ninth place Louie Jackson (New York) to collect the 2010 Mr DIRT Championship. It was good to see former Series Director, Brian Mulligan in attendance, who looked very well after being absent for most of the season while hospitalized following an operation.

10202010hThe Sprint car feature was next, and as I’d expected was plagued by cautions. This was won by Jared Zimbardi.

As we went into the 358 SUPER DIRT SERIES race, there were only a few points separating the top three drivers. The result would determine whether Danny O’Brien of Kingston (Ont) , Pete Bicknell of St Catherines (Ont) or Rochester’s (NY) Danny Johnson would be this years 358 Mr DIRT

10202010l10202010nI was also interested to find out who would be the leader on lap 67 of this 100 lapper. I took up the option of a 25 bucks a lap sponsorship and chose # 67 ( it will be obvious to those who know me why I chose that number ).

10202010o Most of the race was dominated by Billy Decker after passing early leader Stewart Friesen, but Danny Johnson was always hot on his tail. Once Johnson got passed Friesen the big question was, did he have that ‘bit extra’ to catch Decker. If it had been any other driver, I would have expected them to ease off, and make certain of the championship, but not with ‘the Doctor’ ! Even though a mistake could of meant losing the Series, he pressed Decker hard in an effort to get by. He didn’t quite make it so it was Decker at the checkers , and second placed Danny Johnson that was crowned the 2010 Mr DIRT small block champion. Billy Decker got my 25 bucks !

Even with the additional Pro Stock event added to the program, the days racing was over nice and early for the partying to begin. As last year, the adjacent field had a bon fire, barbecue and a live band for the fans to boogy the night away. It was a great night of fun, and I can’t actually remember what time I crawled in to my bed in the back of the HHR.

On Sunday my first priority was to visit the Brockville Walmart, to buy some camera batteries and a spare memory card. Once this was done, I met up with ‘web master’ Craig Revelle for a breakfast at ‘Nan’s Kitchen’,  a restaurant on Hwy 29. This just happens to be one of the sponsors of Sportsman driver Dylan Evoy, so we weren’t the only racing folk in there. (others included the DIRT CAR officials) . The breakfast was good one and once consumed, it was time to get back to the track.

The Sunday program had the Big Block Modified SUPER DIRT SERIES topping the bill, and in addition, the Sportsman Series race and Vintage Modifieds. Much work had gone into preparing the track from the previous night, but some how we never got the same good racing.

10202010i 10202010jThe Vintage Feature had to be red flagged after one guy rode high up the front straight and took out a section of the fencing. There was a short delay while hasty repairs had to be made.

10202010kAfter the restart the winner was Jason Power.

The Sportsman Feature was next, and like the 358’s and Pro Stocks it would decide who the new MR DIRT would be. 10202010m

10202010qThis was more clear cut with Series leader Tim Sears, having enough points in the bag, that he only needed to start the race to claim the championship. This didn’t stop him from putting on an electrifying performance, beating all the local talent to grab the checkers and the 2010 title. I sponsored lap # 6 in this one and my 25 bucks went to Mark Dixon of Durham , Ontario.

The Big Block SUPER DIRT SERIES race was next, but unlike the other divisions, this wouldn’t decide the 2010 Mr DIRT Title. We have to wait two more weeks to the DIRT TRACK WORLD FINALS in Charlotte, North Carolina to find out who gets this one.

Early leader in the 100 lapper was Brett Hearn, who was passed by Matt Shepherd on lap 9. Matt looked like he’d got yet another win on the way until the ‘Doctor’ started chasing him. A few weeks a go at the Fulton Speedway, both these drivers were involved in an ‘incident’ so all eyes were on them, to see what happened as they dueled for the lead. They both raced clean and correct as Johnson got by on lap 95 to take the win.10202010p

The weekends racing was now over and at a sensible time so I was soon on my way home to Cornwall up HWY 401. Of course, like many other race fans I stopped in at the 730 TRUCKSTOP for supper on my way.

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