ROAD TRIP to the Dirt Track World Finals in Charlotte and Beyond (PART ONE)

2016_1029char140028-001 (Medium)ROAD TRIP to the Dirt Track World Finals at Charlotte and beyond  (Part One)

After two days in hospital for my latest session of I.V.I.G transfusions ( 24/25 OCT ) I had to make a decision.

Was I going to be fit enough for a road trip south or not on 27/28/29 Oct ?

This was something I would not know until after the treatment.

I’d been offered a ride down to the DIRT TRACK WORLD FINALS at the Charlotte Speedway in North Carolina, by my buddy Ron Morin, in his big Lincoln Town Car,  and could not give a positive answer until after the treatment.

Lucky for me, unlike, my previous treatment, I felt pretty good straight away, so a phone call to Ron, saying  “I’m coming” was made on Tuesday night.

Late Wednesday  (26 Oct) afternoon, I joined him and his grandson Gage (the 358 Dirt Modified driver) for the long road trip South from Cornwall , Ontario.  We couldn’t leave earlier as Gage was working that day.

We crossed into New York State,  USA at our local Cornwall border point, and were soon heading south.

From New York State we traveled into Pennsylvania, and our first overnight stop was at the Comfort Inn at Clarks Summit , Scranton.

Thursday morning we were on the road early, and after passing through Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia, we were in North Carolina by supper time. We arrived at the Dirt Track at Charlotte around 8-30 pm, the racing had already started , but we hadn’t missed much.

The World Final event takes place from Thursday to Saturday, and I was out on the middle taking pictures before the second batch of Modified heat races began.

Before getting out on the middle, I was taking my pictures by the pit entrance, where I bumped into the talented top race driver Rico Abreu

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Those that know me well, will be well aware that the Modifieds are my favorites of the three divisions taking part (WoO Sprint Cars, WoO Late Models and the SUPER DIRT SERIES Big Block Modifieds)

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2016_1028char40013 (Medium) 2016_1028char40016 (Medium)Racing was over before 11-00 am  and I soon got relocated with Ron and Gage.

We’d been a bit pushed for time, so never had time to check in at our Hotel 6 at Kannapolis until after the racing.

We arrived after midnight to find out they had overbooked our room. The night staff quickly put together, an ‘out of service’  ( toilet not working) room together as a temporary measure.

Unlike my previous trips to the Charlotte World Finals, the weather forecast was excellent , with warmth and sunshine predicted for all three days of the event.

On Friday morning (28 Oct)  once the Motel management had sorted out our new room, we took off for lunch at the Twin Peaks restaurant .

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Racing wasn’t beginning until the evening, so after lunch, Ron and Gage dropped me off at the track. I wanted to be there early, and get set up in the media /photographers room. This is where I’d base myself for the next two days of racing.

My current medical condition, prevents me from ‘over doing it’ , so I’d be concentrating  my picture taking on the Dirt Modifieds.14633278_1353605781316869_5413042046280884386_o


Such a big event as the World Finals, meant there were plenty of photographers  in attendance that I didn’t know, but there were  also few that I did. John Meloling, Pete McDonald, AJ Yabroudy, GT Smith and Dave Delasandro  to name a few.

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2016_1028char50013 (Medium)2016_1028char50033Fridays Big winners were Matt Sheppard in the Modifieds

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Josh Richards in the Late Models

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and  Jason Johnson was the Sprint Car winner.

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Following the presentations I met up with Ron and Gage in the parking lot and we made our way back to Hotel 6 at Kannapolis.

Saturday  (29 Oct)  was the final night of the World Finals at Charlotte, when the three champions would be crowned.

After Ron , Gage and myself had lunch at the Golden Coral Buffet I was dropped off at the track early again, to get my spot in the media room.2016_1029char100092-001

2016_1029char100016After the opening ceremonies , the show got under way.

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2016_1029char100074 (Medium) 2016_1029char100058 (Medium) 2016_1029char100098 (Medium)2016_1029char1100202016_1029char1100272016_1029char100052-001chThe first of the big races was for the Big Block Modifieds, followed by  the WoO Sprint Cars and the WoO Late Models.

Matt Sheppard did it once again , by winning his second in two days.


Donny Schatz took the win in the WoO Sprint Car race

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Chris Madden was the WoO Late Model winner

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Following the Late Model feature, the 2016 World Championship Awards were presented on the front stretch.

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2016 World of Outlaw Sprint Car winner was Donny Schatz, 2016 SUPER DIRT CAR  winner was Matt Sheppard and Josh Richards took the 2016 World of Outlaw Late Model Series.

After the races Ron and I , said goodbye to Gage, who’d be traveling back to Canada with Doug Young ( his race car crew chief) while we stayed south of the border for a little bit longer. Gage had to be back at work on Monday.

PART TWO of the Road Trip South to follow soon.




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