Welcome to the world, my beautiful Grand daughter Sophia on 13th December
Welcome to the world, my beautiful Grand daughter Sophia on 13th December

As you’d expect , as far as racing goes, there’s not much to report  for the month of December.

There’s been a few events taking place , mainly indoors for Mini Sprints, Midgets, and even Modifieds,  but the one out door race, worthy of note, was the Annual Gobbler for Dirt Modifieds. This takes place at the Accord Speedway, New York and just like last year, the scheduled date, close to the American Thanksgiving holiday had to be postponed.  Bad weather, put it back one week, and it took place on Saturday 3 Dec.  The race  was won by Anthony Perrego.

There’s been plenty of ‘silly stuff’  going on in the UK recently, with regard to racing.

Two of the countries most historic and ‘fan favorite’  venues have been under threat of development for quite a while.

It was thought that the Coventry Stadium  was going to be lost at the end of this year, but various appeals managed to get it a reprieve for at least another year. Things looked  good, because there is always the hope,  that the reprieve would get extended.

That was until a few weeks ago ,  when it came to people’s attention parts of the stadium were being dismantled (part of a legal dispute with the track owners) . Things looked bad for a week or two ,  but as  I prepare, this report ( mid December) there’s been assurances that racing will still be taking place in 2017 .


We will have to wait and see. One thing is for sure, If possible, I want to attend ‘the last ever meeting’ there.

The other track under threat is the Wimbledon Stadium in Plough Lane, South London, another track I’ve visited many times over the years.

Things don’t look so good for this place, which is the only remaining track left running in the nations Capital.

Quite a few years ago, the Wimbledon Football Club moved out of London to a new ground in Milton Keynes.  They now want to move back to London and use the ground where the famous Greyhound and Stock Car track is located.

There have been various protests and petitions  drawn up ( which I’ve signed)  and been presented to 10 Downing Street, but it looks like the ‘bullies’ have one. My good friend Graham Brown (second on the left) was one of the party delivering the petition to the Prime Minister.


The last ever meeting for BriSCA F1 stock cars in the capital city is scheduled for Wimbledon on Sunday March 5th.  It is an “all ticket” event , my ticket is ordered, and my flights to London are booked.


My  December agenda got under way  on the first day of the month, with a visit to the Canadian Tire Center in Ottawa , for the N.H.L game between the Ottawa Senators and the Philadelphia Flyers.

I was joined buy my good friends Chantal Lesage and Ron Morin.

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I’ve been a ‘Sens’ fan for over 20 years ( since I moved to Canada) and I like to get along to at least one home game per year. I’ve been lucky this year , this is my second visit, after seeing the game against Minnesota Wild last month.


Unfortunately the Flyers beat the Sens, but we all enjoyed the game.

For me, the early part of December will always revolve around my family, with my daughter Carla’s birthday falling on Thursday the 8th and two days before that ( 6th),   it was Grandson Benji’s fourth Birthday.



Carla was expecting a new arrival to the family about this time, and on Tuesday 13th December, my beautiful grand daughter Sophia was born.

I can’t wait to see her in Austin, Texas,  at Christmas.

Welcome to the world, my beautiful Grand daughter Sophia on 13th December
Welcome to the world, my beautiful Grand daughter Sophia on 13th December

Before heading for Texas,  I have a bunch of medical appointments to deal with.

On Thursday 15 December I met with my Myasthenia Gravis specialist at the Ottawa General Hospital , before two days of  scheduled I.V.I G transfusions nearer to home at the Cornwall Hospital on 19/20  December.

On Wednesday 21 December , I have one more doctors appointment in Cornwall before my flights to Texas the next day.

Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year

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