B.O.S, M.I.R and Cornwall stuff (13 May 2013)

Billy Dunn receives his track champion award at the M.I.R Awards Banquet
Billy Dunn receives his track champion award at the M.I.R Awards Banquet


13 April                     Brockville Ontario Speedway, Fan Fare

13 April                     Cornwall Motor Speedway Mall Show

13 April                    Mohawk International Raceway, Banquet

It was a busy day for me on Saturday April 13, which started off with a trip from my home in Cornwall, down Highway 401 from my home in Cornwall, to Brockville.

The B.O.S were holding a ‘Fan Fare’ outside the Walmart Store beside the 401 exit. I arrived at 11-00 am to find about a dozen Modifieds and Sportsman cars lined up out side the main entrance. Most of the tracks top drivers were in attendance and there was already a lot of fan interest.

bos walmart 13A band , the Texas Tuxedos were playing on a trailer

bos music walmart 13and promoter Cheryl Kirkland and a few other ladies were busy cooking burgers as a fund raiser for CHEO (Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario).bos barbecuewalmart13

I stayed and chatted until about 12-15 before heading back to Cornwall where my local track was holding it’s annual Mall Show. As mentioned in last weeks report, we moved the cars into the Mall on Monday night for the week long show.

cms mall show    13After spending a bit of time there, I returned home for a few hours, before heading out to my evening function.

That night, across the bridge in Hogansburg NY, the Mohawk International Raceway were holding their annual awards and banquet.

It was taking place at the Brass Horse Grill on Route 37 and I arrived with www.rickattheraces.com web master Craig Revelle in time for beer or two before it got started.

mir banquet 13 Craig was my designated driver for the night, so I took the rare opportunity to enjoy a drink.

Many good friends were in attendance and it was a great way to end my busy day.

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