RICK @ the RACES ( 6 /7/ 8 April 2013)
6 April Cornwall Motor Speedway Banquet and Awards night
8 April Cornwall Square Mall race car show.
After last weeks, busy Easter road trip, my original plans for this weekend were some what quieter. Things changed on Tuesday ( 2 April) when I heard the sad news that Charlotte Staal had passed away at the age of 87.
Charlotte was the aunt of my ex-wife Pat, and along with her husband Klaas Staal , they were the major players responsible for me living in Canada today. After they visited Pat and I, in England in 1992, and then a subsequent visit by us , to see them in Canada, we decided to emigrate here in 1994.
Charlotte and Klaas from Combermere, Ontario helped a lot to make our move from England possible. To find out more, check out the ‘RETRO REPORTS’ on www.rickattheraces.com from 1992 to 1994.
The funeral was on Saturday ( 6 April) , the same day as the Cornwall Motor Speedway banquet, but I wanted to pay my respects, so a busy day was in store.
I was up bright and early on Saturday and by 6-45 am was on the way from my home in Cornwall, Ontario to Combermere. By 9-00 am I was in the Renfrew, McDonalds having a cup of tea and checking my e/mail and Face Book messages.
The good roads expire, after Renfrew , and the last hour of driving took me through the back roads and ‘boonies’ . It was a route I’d taken many times, during the first year or so in Canada while I was working out of Ottawa. Renfrew to Dacre, then the Opeongo Trail road to Foymont and Brudenell, then via Letterkenny Rd and Rockingham, down through hills into Combermere.
( I must digress, Letterkenny Road is the place where the infamous Chicago gangster Al Capone once had his Canadian hide out) .
I was in Combermere by 10-15 , just in time for a late breakfast at the ‘Inn Towne Restaurant’
The place has been owned by Judy Maika for over 20 years, and as soon as I walked through the door, I was greeted by a friendly “are you lost Rick ?” . Judy knew why I was back in town, and gave me directions to Siberia Rd where the funeral service was being held.
After a hearty breakfast, I changed into my dress suit and set off for the church. I passed by the Staal’s house, and Klaas’s model rail museum located opposite Hydes Bay, and was soon parked out side the church.
Before and after the service, (which started at noon), I had a chance to chat with Klaas, as well as Brian Staal and his family ( Pat’s cousin, and Charlotte’s son) before my trip back to Cornwall.
I left Siberia Rd at 1.15 pm and after stopping off for a few minutes to take pics of my former home and other memorable landmarks, I was on my way.
Another quick stop was made for a cup of tea in Renfrew, and by 5-15 pm I was at the South Stormont Community Hall in Long Sault where the Speedway banquet was being held.
As usual the hall was superbly decorated for the occasion with all the trophies on display. After I’d had the delicious roast beef buffet and dessert, I was ready, along with fellow Speedway Photographer Bob Lefebvre, to take pictures of the awards ceremony .
Guest of Honour was Joe Skotnicki, head of Dirt Car North East. The Track Champions were as follows, Dale Planck (Modified) Chris Herbison (Sportsman) Joey Ladouceur (Pro Stock) Benoit Dubois ( Semi Pro) and Martin Bernard ( Mini Stock). The Mitch Jock Special award went to Bert Robidoux.
Once the presentation photos were over, the long day behind me, made it an easy decision to head for home early.
Sunday was a lazy day for me, around the home, but in the meantime down in Florida, a happy occasion was taking place. At St Lucy’s Church at Highland Beach ( Nr Ft Lauderdale) my grandson Benji was beingchristened. Obviously I would have liked to have been there, but ‘you can’t do everything’ , the logistics and cost made it almost impossible.
Benji’s ‘second baptism’ is due to take place within a month ! That will be his racing baptism !
Benji and my daughter Carla, will be joining me for a trip back to England during the first week of May, and we plan to be at the BriSCA F1 races at the Coventry Stadium on Saturday May 4.
I was back to work on Monday of this week, but in the evening, I was busy again, getting involved with more race media work in the city.
This week it is the Cornwall Motor Speedway race car show in the Cornwall Square Mall, and on Monday night at closing time, the cars were taken in. This annual event is always a great way to show case our sport to the uninformed ‘Joe Public’.
Grandson Benji is christened in Ft Lauderdale, Florida