9 Nov 2013

RICK @ the RACES ( 7/8/9 Nov 2013)

This past weekend was a frustrating one, with one of the most important Dirt racing events taking place, and me unable to attend. The DIRT TRACK WORLD FINALS were taking place at Charlotte NC on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and I couldn’t be there. Numerous events over the year , which included , two trans-Atlantic visits, and a forth coming Texas trip, meant Charlotte had to missed again. It’s a 14 Hour drive from my place in Cornwall, Ontario.

I was there in 2010 and 2011 but never made it last year.

So, for the weekend I had to choose between a trip to the rescheduled (from the previous week) , Southern Tier 100 at Five Mile Point or subscribe to the ‘Pay to View’ live World Final coverage. With the weather forecast looking very ‘iffy’, I didn’t fancy another risky drive down 181.

I signed up for the three day package on line on Thursday night and made sure my fridge was well stocked with plenty of brown bottles !

The big races on Friday were won by Brett Hearn (Big Block Mods), Darrell Lannigan ( WoO Late Models) and Donny Schatz (WoO Sprint Cars) . It’s interesting to note, that all three drivers have won at my local Cornwall Motor Speedway in the past.

Saturdays big race winners, had also been visitors to Victory Lane at tracks in my area. Stewart Friesen (Big Block Mods) has won at Brockville, as has Paul Mcmahan ( WoO Sprint Cars) while Josh Richards ( WoO Late Models) has been a Cornwall winner.

At the end of the night the seasons champions were crowned, Bret Hearn (SUPER DIRT SERIES), Josh Richards (WoO Late Models) and Daryn Pittman (WoO Sprint Cars)

That was the first time, I’d used the ‘pay to view’ Dirt racing coverage, and wont hesitate to do it again, if I have to miss a big one.

Finally before signing off for this week, I’d like to congratulate my friend Leslie Planck, wife of Modified driver Dale. While Dale was competing ( with a Rick At the Races sticker on his car) at Charlotte , she was in Disneyland, Florida, where she completed a half Marathon run in aid of Leukemia. Well Done, Great Job.

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