RICK @ the RACES ( 9 Feb 2014)
Sunday 9 Feb Canadian Motorsports Expo, Toronto, Ont
I make no secret of the fact, that ‘modern day’ NASCAR Cup events are a long way down my priority list, when competing for my racing attention. I haven’t always felt that way, but todays ‘cookie cutter’ cars and the over hyped TV coverage, steer my interests away to the more appealing forms of auto sport.
In the past , during NASCAR’s glory days , I was a lot keener, followed what was going on, and Richard Petty was my hero.
Between the years of 1964 and 1981, he won seven Daytona 500 races, an accomplishment which no other driver has equalled.
This past weekend I got to meet the great man, the one they call ‘the King’ of NASCAR.
Each year I like to attend the Canadian Motor Sports Expo in Toronto, but unfortunately it always tends to coincide with nasty weather. This year was no exception !
As usual, I was joined for the trip, with www.rickattheraces webmaster Craig Revelle, who I picked up in Gananoque at 7-30 am, on my way down highway 401. Our first port of call was Denny`s in Napanee , where I had a ‘lost wager’ to honour. I was buying breakfast , as a result of the recent `flukey` win by the Toronto Maple Leafs over the Ottawa Senators .
By the time we got to the outskirts of Toronto the weather was starting to get nasty and snow was falling as we approached Port Hope.
It was about this point that one of the turn flasher lights on my HHR decided to quit. I didn`t fancy going too far along the 401 like this, so we pulled into the Whitby branch of Canadian Tire, to get the problem sorted.
The unscheduled stop only put us back about twenty minutes and we pulled into the International Centre on Airport Rd , Toronto , the location of the Expo , at around mid day.
Each year, the organizers , always seem to attract hi-profile guests to keep the fans happy , and this year, it was `the King` Richard Petty topping the bill .
He was due on stage for a question and answer session, followed by autograph signing at 12-30 , so we timed it just right. I was able to take a wander around the hall , chat to a few friends and take pictures , before he made his appearance.
The `King` arrived on schedule, took to the stage, and once introduced to the packed crowd , the floor was opened for questions. Some interesting topics were discussed, ranging from how they `invented` the famous Petty racing blue paint, to his opinions of women on the race track. His response to the latter, was controversial enough to cause a stir the following day in the NASCAR media world !
I really enjoyed listening to what he had to say, and then watched as he chatted sincerely and cheerfully to the huge line of autograph seekers.
When the line of people came to an end, he made his departure, but not before I managed to meet him, shake hands and get my picture taken.
By now it was about 3-00 pm and time to head back up a snowy Highway 401 to Eastern Ontario, and home.